  • 17. 输送带.jpg

SSJ-S-150 conveyor

SSJ-S-150 cup loading (unloading) conveyor (with separate device) is used for products delivery between press machine and polisher. The length of the conveyor is 1-7 m and the width is 150mm/200mm. the speed of conveyor is stepless speed regulating by AC transducer. The LCD on the control cabinet will show the regulating.


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  • Description

    SSJ-S-150 cup loading (unloading) conveyor (with separate device) is used for products delivery between press machine and polisher. The length of the conveyor is 1-7 m and the width is 150mm/200mm. the speed of conveyor is stepless speed regulating by AC transducer. The LCD on the control cabinet will show the regulating.